Bottle In The Smoke
Let out bomb-like cry like a pinned dragon,
Opened it virgin mouth like a thirsty buffon,
Crumbled among oppositions and social dragon
In a ruffled struggle for wealth and honour.
It let out witch-like cry during it conquest for power,
It craved and mingled with 'Paul' and 'Silas',
Ran into the fame but out like a soil tiler,
With nothing to write home of,
Not even with a 'Papyrus'.
It sailed all days through oceans of troubles,
He ran through miles like banished turtles,
Just in search of health and wealth clues.
But in return it got a bunch of dead glues.
When will the smoke cease, when will fire faint...?
When will the bottle see itself, and ease it pain...?
Kindle no more fire, smoke not again.
Let Joy, Fortune and Happiness be reward for the game.
Adeyemi Joshua
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